Introducing: Strip-e-doo Concentrate
We have a new product from our friends at Franmar Chemical, the company famous for soybean screen printing cleaners. If you are familiar with Strip-e-doo, you know it is a low odor emulsion remover which is safe and biodegradable. In an effort to both lower shipping costs and to allow for different product strengths, they have released the Strip-e-doo Concentrate. This is a quart of concentrate which you will mix with water to make 5 total gallons of emulsion remover.
Even though this is a safe product, it really works well. Even after emulsion has endured the cleaning with harsh screen opener or on-press solvents, the Strip-e-doo and Strip-e-doo Concentrate will have no problem dissolving the emulsion. Need stronger© Simply mix less water and create your own blend of Strip-e-doo.
Strip-e-doo Concentrate is ready to order today!